Sunday, 30 June 2013

The Observer, 6x6 acrylic on canvas

I'm very happy with this little one. It seemed to flow together easier than others and I managed to stick with a looser brush stroke,

Friday, 28 June 2013

On Display, 8x8 Acrylic on wood panel

This one has a different composition and a more neutral colour palette than some of my other Trees.  I like how the trees in the distance seem to be watching the taller tree. 

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Keeping it Together 10 x 10, acrylic on wood panel

I donated this piece to a local charity that is providing assistance to people who have recently been diagnosed with cancer. It is currently listed in their facebook auction. I selected this piece to be donated because the branches remind me of small little arms successfully lifting a very heavy load

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Pretty Boy

8 x8 Acrylic on wood Panel

I love all the little hummingbirds that go zooming by in my garden.  I tried painting birds a few years ago but got frustrated on a piece and moved on to something else (it was intended to be a gift for someone which is the instant kiss of death for me). I thought maybe this time if I tried a different bird I might have better luck. 



Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Delphinium Abstract
12 x 24 on wood panel