Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Too Offensive???!!??

I often will "boost" my post of my favorite paintings (aka pay to have them seen). Unfortunately this is just the reality of facebook these days and it's been a business decision that I have had to accept. I would never had guessed that my work could be considered offensive and would be rejected by facebook wink emoticon. This is what i received when I tried to post Randy, my latest (and new favorite) rooster:
"Your Post wasn't boosted because it violates Facebook's ad guidelines by including profanity or language that refers to a person's age, gender, name, race, physical condition or sexual orientation. The post is still published, but it is not running as an ad.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Randy 36 x 18 Acrylic on Canvas

I LOVE painting roosters. They have such a bad ass look about them - plus it is so refreshing to mix it up, and paint with red (especially while working on other commissions that have neutral coloured fur).

Friday, 13 February 2015

Whootie 16 x 12 Acrylic on Canvas,

I started Whootie at my demo last weekend, at On The Farm. I think at some point this week, I lost my reference photo "and just winged it" for the rest. It was good practice, as I often find the cream coloured owls a bit more of a challenge, as it can be tricky to get the values just right. I'm pretty happy with this little one - I might even try it again, but on a larger canvas.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Smitty, 10 x 10 Acrylic on Canvas

Smitty is one of my "go to" hummingbirds to paint. He was once a reference photo that I used, and now he is created from my imagination. There are small variations with each version that may not be obvious (or areas that I always try to work on and improve). I've heard many times in workshops/ classes that one of the best way to improve as an artist is through repetition of the same thing. This allows you to experiment and not worry so much about what the final outcome is and you can compare what each small change does to the overall piece. For example this guy has a dark Magenta ground (or base layer) vs. my typical transparent red oxide.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Looks like I had a visitor

Looks like we had a visitor... I get so much joy from my bird feeder (and reference photos). I'm trying to figure out a "plan B". Does anyone have any suggestions

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Cheeky 10 x 10 Acrylic on Canvas

I love all the little chickadees that visit my feeders. This little guy was sitting right outside my studio door. Even though he is a small little bird, he seems to have big personality