Saturday, 27 July 2013

Wren 6x8 acrylic on wood panel

I love these little birds - there seems to be a bunch living in my hedge and I see them all the time at coffee shop I visit. I just wish I could get close enough to one to get a good photo.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Look what I found

I've been starting to feel a lot of stress and anxiety over some of my upcoming commitments. It's tough to feel inspired when your stressed and wound up.  And then look what I found at the post office this morning in the book exchange basket.  Seriously - Birds & Bloom magazine Hummingbird edition from 2005!!!  This even exists!!  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Feeling Orangey 12 x 24 Acrylic on Canvas

It's been fun mixing up smaller pieces with some bigger trees in between. I find it helps me when I start to struggle and need a break from a piece.

Speaking of struggling on a piece....  I feel so inspired by the colours of all the flowers in my garden right now, but can't seem to get it to translate onto canvas ( usually it is the value or portions for me).  So I decided to take advantage of naptime and a gorgeous afternoon with a pencil and a sketch pad.  Nothing like "taking it outdoors" to raise your mood.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Slick 6x6 Acrylic on textured raised canvas

This made my day!!!!
I am a member of a site called Daily Paintworks - It's a site that I can post my paintings in my own gallery for people to purchase as well as other artists can post supportive feedback / comments.  There also is instructional videos, artist challenges, etc (the link to my gallery is on the right of this blog).  Well "Slick" made their facebook "pick" of the day - I'm super excited as there are so many gifted artists on this site - this made my day :)

Friday, 19 July 2013

Handsome Little Hummer, 8 x 8 Acrylic on canvas

This one took a little longer than usual - I'm definitely feeling the impact of the little ones at home and finding it tough to get some of my own studio time in. But little Maggie & I did manage to paint a lovely little tea set and bamboo wind chimes

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Fat Boy Blue - 8 x8 Acrylic on canvas

Another in my hummingbird series.  He somehow got a little chubbier than I'd like but I think it adds to his personality

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Look Up, 8x8 Acrylic on Canvas

I just dropped off this little guy, along with some other pieces, to Stock Home Design on The Farm in Squamish. Elisa has some amazing and unique products, and I am honoured that she carries my work.  Please stop in and take a look if you have a chance.  Now I'm off to try out some Fat paint that I bought while I was there,